Acey Deucey Eoropean
about a very popular variation on standard Backgammon.
Acey Deucey Backgammon is a very popular,
faster version of the game that is thought to have originated in the
Middle East, but is now played all over the world. It is similar
to Dutch Backgammon. The key feature is
that a dice roll of a 1 and a 2 has special significance and is known as
"acey deucey", hence the name. The rules here are for the
version, there is another US Acey Deucey version of the game played differently.
European Acey Deucey Backgammon is played in the same
way as standard Backgammon but with the
following differences:
- After both players have rolled a die to decide who goes first, the
first player rolls both their dice for their first turn, and does not
use the two deciding dice rolls.
- All checkers begin the game off the board and players must bring
them into play by rolling the two dice and moving them onto their points
- It is not necessary for all a player's checkers to be moved onto the
board in order to move their markers already brought into play.
- A player who throws an "acey deucey (a 1 and a 2) moves their
checker(s) 1 and 2 points in the normal way, but they also choose a
double value from 1 to 6 and additionally move their checkers as if a double of that
value had been thrown, in the usual way. The player then throws the dice
again, getting an extra turn. However, should the player be unable to
move their checkers the initial 1 and 2 points, then they forfeit the
extra double moves. And if the player is unable to make the extra double
moves with their checkers, then they forfeit their extra subsequent
- If a double is rolled or a double is taken as a result of throwing
an "acey deucey", then the player then plays the double and then
subsequently plays the "compliment" of the chosen double, which is the
value subtracted from 7. (opposite faces of a dice total 7 so any
value's compliment would total 7 with the chosen value when totalled). So, if a player has
chosen 5 as their double move, they may also move their checkers again as if a
double 2 has been rolled.
- A player may not move their checkers forward once they are all in
their home-board and must roll the exact point number of a checker to
bear it off.
